Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No blog is complete without Dax.

These two renders are both from the Victorian House. The first is from the dining room. The pictures play into the back-story I wrote up quickly for the house and one of them is actually a photoshopped rendition of a classmate of mine.

The second render is from the main hallway when you first enter the house. I liked this shot because of the cabinet in the foreground and the perspective made from the hallway walls. Aside from that, I liked how the textures turned out.. not crazy about the lighting though.. oh well. I'm a modeler, so thats just icing to me.

On another note, if there is anyone reading this wanting to get in contact with me, feel free to email me. I will be out of town and away from a computer from the second untill the ninth of May. Dominican Republic!!!


Cuxo said...

Post more stuff!!!

Thomas A said...

Sup GAbboooo! good stuff, now post more ! post your newer stuff and also your monster drawings with horns sticking out of unimaginable places of the body!
