This is something I was working on over the past summer. I finished it sometime around July but never got around to posting it, probably because it was supposed to go up with some other things I'm still working away at. As you can see, it looks pretty evil; theres alot more to it then that, but I don't really remember all of it and I would rather not spoil the 'surprise'. I wouldn't call this finished, but I would say I'm done working on it, mainly because I've deemed other things I'm working on right now more important.
Well, been away for a while again, this time actually working. The images below are all from working on a show called Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. I did these during my time at March Entertainment for about four months. It was nice stepping away from 3D for a while, although I did occasionally miss it.
All of these images have been placed in the order of their rough copies to the clean versions, omitting a few that didn't have much for the rough stage. None of THESE clean layouts were actually used, they were based off of the roughs. The original cleans are property of March Entertainment, I just re-did my own cleans from my original roughs.
All of these will be included in my new demo reel (once I can get Final Cut working, or cave and use Premiere again) and there is also a multi-plane pan en route. Stay tuned..